This is a neat little mediation trick


This is a neat little mediation trick. If want to feel in the present and forget yourself while awake, imagine the center of "you" not feeling like it is in your head or your heart area, but instead pushed out to the very fore of your eyes and ears. Then let yourself just hover with your sense self at the very edge of your sense organs, then try to let go of effort, perceiving but not interpreting, just color or sound. Noise is not a problem, actually it helps. Keep your senses open, and just let color and sound in. It takes practice but it really works. I can do it a crowded subway, in a boring lecture without closing my eyes and liking like I'm sleeping, anywhere except when directly interacting with people. I am not focused on far things, just close ones, so it doesn't make you look too dreamy eyes. Also, I've found you can snap out of it instantly if someone talks to you have to do something.

You can do it either by fixing on one point, kind like in those kind of meditative practices, except that here you don't try to block out sense perception, you actually focus as much as you can on sound and vision as completely as you can. You can also move your eyes around, flitting from object to object without thinking about them, like a bird that moves its eyes, but slower so you don't look crazy. You can make it inflation game where you try to hold on to an object as long as you can before a thought pops into your head. Why bother with this craziness. I swear, it's like a shot of endorphin bliss like in deep conventional meditation. I don't like stress and am addicted to here, now, peace, calm.

— Gabriel Fenteany, May 2, 2016
