
This is an unedited message stream I just wrote to describe a recent part of a series of profound breakthrough experiences I had in the last couple months:

Like okay, let me tell you about this guy I met on the ashram...

Kind an outsider, he doesn't live there.

He comes and goes. Has kind of a mischievous character.

Like the "trickster."

You can dismiss him.

And seemingly kookie

but nice

aloof, though

anyway, he starts talking to me about bending spoons

telekinesis a


i think he's a cool and funny guy but a bit of a nut

well, he keeps prodding me

and i keep thinking he's a bit off.

but after my kundalini experience

he was there but didn't intervene. he passively wanted to, he said, but the others had been instructed by the departed guru to let the person going through the experience be

later he asked again

as though he had an obsession with moving objects with the mind.

then a week after my set of experiences, i start to think, well, maybe it is possible. everything i used to believe has been deconstructed so now...

and asking about this again and saying it's just not possible, manifestation works within rules even if we are the beyond0-manifest

we are trapped still

he still says check it out.

i look into it a few more days, reading online, watching videos and trying it a couple times

call him and say: nope, it's not possible. if you think it is then tell me how you do it. do you really do it? or were you just messing with my head.

he says:

i do it all the time.

i form the thought i am going to do it. then my hands make it happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That's it. That's the enlightenment in the commonplace. from zen to vedanta, they all say it's just nothing!!!!

the spoon bending is a friggin attachment.

the real bending comes just in the thought!!!!


i don't even know if he really meant that.

when talking, he'll suddenly just say, ok, i gotta go, without answering a question,

but that's what i took from it.

and it's like

hollllllllly shit!

that's it


You DO bend the spoon with your mind!

It's like a koan

You bend it in your mind!

Then you let your hands implement it.


That's really profound.

You bend the spoon with your mind when you think the thought.

Doing it with your hand is then just doing it.

You don’t bend it. You do. It’s all just your perception here and there. You do and you don’t if you see it as empty, yet existing at the same time together as potentials. That’s the paradox to accept to be calm and surpass the limited crappy world.

That's what all the zen koans seem to say. enlightenment is just doing the dishes and such.

Nothing really happens, and yet everything happens. you can view it as all full or all empty: but those dualities are the same. Mind impels experience and experience impels mind. Time and space are just sensory constructs.

Paradox, but it’s true. It’s all always there, every possibility and none. All was the mind, and beyond that there is just one complete potential containing all potentials. That’s the non-dualistic mystical beyond “state.”
