
Relax... There is no such thing as a no-win situation, nor even a partial-win situation. It's just words making reality, and a feedback loop that reinforces this type of thinking. Turn the problem on its head. There are no no-win situations; there are only no-lose situations, since nothing that happens is ever the wrong thing. So why sweat it? All that crap is just nothing. Nothing at all. Mental noise. It's noise without intrinsic substance, without reality. It's just the storm of thought and feeling in the restless mind. It goes on and on, unless you choose to stop it by saying it's just BS and then choosing to let go of it. Wherever you are is precisely where you are supposed to be. So feeling that you are not where you should be is not a cause for panic and beating yourself up; it's just an inner urging that maybe you should slowly change course. So just change course. Even when you feel like you "lose" at something, it's actually a gain when viewed from a sane standpoint. You have an opportunity to review things and see them as they really are from an expansive perspective. Then you can slowly change what is standing in the way of your happiness and sense of peace. That's it. That's what it's all about. Throw the crap out with the garbage. It is nothing.

— Gabriel Fenteany, May 20, 2016
