Nature, a black screen?


Do we seek to turn Nature—the World—into a black screen?

How can we allow—or even just sit back and let happen without response—the absolute eradication of animals and plant species from the Earth? All animals and plants—everything living!—go back over a billion years of struggle and victory, just as we have, and each tiny little species is no less important or worthy of surviving than we are! All things alive on this planet are just as evolved as we are, going back to the very first life forms that made us all! They just took different paths. It's almost incomprehensible that we could cause, with knowing intent, the radical destruction of habitat, environment, whole interconnected webs of Life—homes, communities, worlds—of so many others. Will this be our legacy in the short time we are here as individuals and as a species? Money-lust and a mania to subdue and tame and destroy: Can this appetite ever be sated? What are we doing? Why? Who are we? What are we really as a species and as individuals, you and me?

— Gabriel Fenteany, March 30. 2016
