The universe creates itself


The Universe creates itself from itself in a way that we are "It," as a necessary part, and as a whole in our essence. When other humans, who love, hate or are indifferent to varying degrees at any time, cause me or others pain, I remember this: That the Universe creates itself, in parts as in whole, from itself; that I am of this Self-creation; and that creation is the only unconditional love there is.

Because we are here to gaze and think, we know the universe creates. Physicist-writers like Hawking and Weinberg will say the universe creates itself from itself. For them, this a reason for great sadness; it's all pointless and meaningless. But the Eastern genius is to turn such nihilism on its head. The universe creates! And creation is expression of self. You can follow the logic. The universe is not a cold hostile place; it's a womb. All that we see is an expression of the universe's potential. It has an unfathomable creative drive to explore itself, of which we are a part. In a very real sense, the universe is the only "thing" that accepts us unconditionally.

— Gabriel Fenteany, December 7 & 16, 2015
