It's funny when people say

It's funny. People say, "Life is short, so live life to the fullest." They also say, "Slow down and smell the roses." Obviously, these suggest different things. So which is better advice? If you step back from the seeming contradiction of these two sayings, you see that you can reconcile them with another saying, "Live life in the present." But then, people also suggest that you learn from your past mistakes and that you plan for the future! So again you get what seems like conflicting signals, and you may just end up always feeling you're not doing something right. But it's really simple: living life in the present really actually does resolve it all. If you feel your presence in the now - that what you are is just what you are right now - then you are in that FEELING, even as your thoughts may drift from recalling things from the past, an hour ago or a decade ago, to planning things for the future, an hour from now or a decade from now. Feel "now," then it doesn't matter what you "think."

— Gabriel Fenteany, November 6, 2015
