Some people are children

Some people are children. All people are children. Imagine everyone as a little child, just learning to walk and babbling "ma ma ma." ("ma" is easier to say, which is why they say "mama" first, or so I wish to think as a dada, but I swear my son Peter said "dada" first). Why react strongly to someone who now wears adult-sized clothing but still says: "De do do do, de da da da / Is all I want to say to you." They are not their own. They are puppets being pulled by strings, their not-outgrown ones, their conditioned ones, their hopes thwarted by disappointments. We are all puppets likewise. We need to see that our unreflected impulses and feelings and thoughts are our own conditioned puppet nature.

Beneath all is the human. And beneath the human, is the life. And beneath that, there is the being. Everything else is just noise. If things bother you—if work and its pushing and pulling, its politics—if your family and friends hurt you, are they really doing it to hurt you? Of course not. They are in their own little trips. It's without substance. They're just reacting to their shadows of pain and fear, and projecting upon you. You do the same. We are born. We will die. There is a beyond. What it is, we don't know. Will our identities, as what we think of as ourselves, survive? It makes more sense to think not than yes, but will what we really are survive (our essence minus our identity – consider what "you" are, can you identify it? can you define it?). Of course, our essence will survive. How can it not? Matter is neither created nor destroyed. That's physics. And is there a super-physical? Of course, science cannot penetrate the deepest mysteries of why?

So we will survive, and we are eternal, our essence is. And that person who annoys you, who has hurt you, perhaps so much you want that person dead, that person too is just a victim of all this, one who is so enmired in it all, they can't even see it in their clearest moments. It's all well. Stay a bit distant from those comings and goings, even when they're in your face. It's not real—they are not challenging, or provoking, or despising you. They are despising themselves. And you do too. So step aside and let them exgorge their anger. If they really try to hurt you (esp. physically), then you must defend yourself. But otherwise, stand aside. Step back. We're all children, aren't we? We're not child-stuff or adult-stuff. We are more than that. We are some kind of glorious manifestation of the creative energy of the absolute universe. The little stuff is nothing, nothing at all. Vapor. The big stuff is there. Focus on the big stuff. It's not childish. It doesn't go away, ever. We are That.

— Gabriel Fenteany, February 4, 2016
