Bizarro world!

Bizarro world!

The still-in-development Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II fighter program in the US has so far cost at least $1.5 trillion (and rising fast), not including the 2011 estimated cost per plane of at least $133 million, so likely a good deal more upon earliest delivery in 2018 or later. The political and military establishment call the program "too big to kill."

Now... Let's see. The second most powerful air force in the world is the US Navy. And the most powerful air force in the world? Yes, it's the US Air Force. And, obviously, there are no challengers to either even remotely in sight.

I should think that a heck of a lot of important things could be done with $1.5++ trillion dollars. But for now, it's not to be...

— Gabriel Fenteany, April 18, 2016
