Being young overrated

Being young is overrated. Being old is underrated. Being in the middle is middle-rated. The only reason people don't pass smoothly—with acceptance, dignity, and age-appproriate rewards and responsibilities—from one stage to the next is because modern societies don't value humans. They value images and synthetic versions of how people should behave and act and buy—created by the diseased reality-distortion field of the media. All people are seen as throwaway, and once they reach a certain age, they have little value. Wisdom is for naught. And even youth is nothing unless bartered in some way in a marketplace of masks and images. All people are victims of this, at least until they see it and resist. Resist being made and seen as a cartoon of a human. You are fully human and just right for your age and perfect for who you are at every moment all the time throughout your life.

Gabriel Fenteany, June 17, 2016

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