You make yourself

You make yourself as your self makes you...

Your conception of yourself arises from your interpretation of what is around you and how you relate to it. Your interpretation of what you experience is conditioned by past experience through memory. That "self" interacts with and projects onto the world the subjective map it has created—just a fogged-up mirror of the sensory world. So the present experience itself is impelled by the mind, at the same time as the mind is impelled by the experience. Projection, experience and interpretation: A cycle that repeats over and over with each moment, and which constitutes your self. Your world is co-created by how you draw it now and also how that projection draws you as you interact with it, simultaneously and continuously.

But you are really beyond this! You are That—beyond—so then transcend the futility of drawing and redrawing your little self over and over again from the last drawing, and on and on. Give up on all that shite—let go—and just let yourself float. Trust That, not an endlessly self-drawn self. You'll be all right.

— Gabriel Fenteany, March 14, 2016
