Change in the air


I say it now, and since what I say warrants that I say it this way, I say it with this address:

Sisters and brothers, the 60s is coming back! I was born in the late 60s, not-yet sentient then, but it's in all our DNA. The 60s are coming back. Can't you feel it? Temporal things, crises, their immediacy, the extremes, are all accelerating! Young people! Bernie? Trump? Change is accelerating! On both sides of the spectrum, the US campaigns: there's change happening now!

In the Reagan era, in the US during my adolescence, the word "socialism" was more derogatory than even "f*ggot," which was already very pejorative. Now both are nothing. Feel the Bern. LGBT is almost mainstream. That's why LGBT was targeted by evil reactionaries. It's the ultimate reactionary reacting in the most reactionary way. It's a scream to vile war as the tide drowns the scream. The feeling of radical change is in the air. And it's got some real spirituality about it. It's the end of an epoch, everyone. Change is happening. Be ready for what is coming!

June 12, 2016
