You are all alone, but...

You are all alone. You might as well face it. You will never have total and complete and harmonious union with another human being. You will always to a large extent be in your own dream world with your deepest needs unmet. That’s the human condition. However, if you begin to consider union and communion on a mystical level—with feelings of real none-separation—that unfulfilled longing starts to go away, or is at least mitigated. When you grasp that feeling of the wholeness in emptiness and the emptiness of completeness—the irreducible paradox of just being as everything else is just being, without any attached qualities—then the deep emotional loneliness evaporates. It's the true "you" that emerges, the you that does not die and has all that it needs now and until and then beyond death. Complete peace that's completely lasting.

— Gabriel Fenteany, June 5, 2016
